
現在是半夜兩點,我將 Paul Graham 「How to do Great Work?」讀完了。下面列出我認為有趣的金句。附上英文原文,比照著看能更加體會作者的原意。




Curiosity and originality are closely related. Curiosity feeds originality by giving it new things to work on. But the relationship is closer than that. Curiosity is itself a kind of originality; it's roughly to questions what originality is to answers. And since questions at their best are a big component of answers, curiosity at its best is a creative force.




Indeed, if you think about it, a good new idea has to seem bad to most people, or someone would have already explored it. So what you're looking for is ideas that seem crazy, but the right kind of crazy. How do you recognize these? You can't with certainty. Often ideas that seem bad are bad. But ideas that are the right kind of crazy tend to be exciting; they're rich in implications; whereas ideas that are merely bad tend to be depressing.

There are two ways to be comfortable breaking rules: to enjoy breaking them, and to be indifferent to them. I call these two cases being aggressively and passively independent-minded.



Every cherished but mistaken principle is surrounded by a dead zone of valuable ideas that are unexplored because they contradict it.


What are people in your field religious about, in the sense of being too attached to some principle that might not be as self-evident as they think? What becomes possible if you discard it?



Being prolific is underrated. The more different things you try, the greater the chance of discovering something new. Understand, though, that trying lots of things will mean trying lots of things that don't work. You can't have a lot of good ideas without also having a lot of bad ones.




An early version of a new project will sometimes be dismissed as a toy. It's a good sign when people do this. That means it has everything a new idea needs except scale, and that tends to follow.

The alternative to starting with something small and evolving it is to plan in advance what you're going to do. And planning does usually seem the more responsible choice. It sounds more organized to say "we're going to do x and then y and then z" than "we're going to try x and see what happens." And it is more organized; it just doesn't work as well.



Take as much risk as you can afford. In an efficient market, risk is proportionate to reward, so don't look for certainty, but for a bet with high expected value. If you're not failing occasionally, you're probably being too conservative.




Quality is more important than quantity in colleagues. It's better to have one or two great ones than a building full of pretty good ones. In fact it's not merely better, but necessary, judging from history: the degree to which great work happens in clusters suggests that one's colleagues often make the difference between doing great work and not.

How do you know when you have sufficiently good colleagues? In my experience, when you do, you know. Which means if you're unsure, you probably don't. But it may be possible to give a more concrete answer than that. Here's an attempt: sufficiently good colleagues offer surprising insights. They can see and do things that you can't. So if you have a handful of colleagues good enough to keep you on your toes in this sense, you're probably over the threshold.




Morale starts with your view of life. You're more likely to do great work if you're an optimist, and more likely to if you think of yourself as lucky than if you think of yourself as a victim.

The people you spend time with will also have a big effect on your morale. You'll find there are some who increase your energy and others who decrease it, and the effect someone has is not always what you'd expect. Seek out the people who increase your energy and avoid those who decrease it.



Curiosity is the best guide. Your curiosity never lies, and it knows more than you do about what's worth paying attention to.



Believe it or not, I tried to make this essay as short as I could. But its length at least means it acts as a filter. If you made it this far, you must be interested in doing great work. And if so you're already further along than you might realize, because the set of people willing to want to is small.


Paul Graham 最後刻意地提到,這篇長文本身也是個過濾器,如果你認真的看完它了,代表你對作出為大的工作「足夠」感興趣。



Do you want to do great work, or not? Now you have to decide consciously.

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掌握幣圈脈動,告別 FOMO 的資訊自動化流程嘗試

掌握幣圈脈動,告別 FOMO 的資訊自動化流程嘗試

幣圈訊息瞬息萬變,是否常常覺得很 FOMO 呢? 常常一個小時不看新聞就可能錯過了新的趨勢或是有用的消息。因此,我嘗試打造一條「獲取資訊自動化流程」。我希望透過以下幾個步驟,將「從 RSS 收集內容 → 摘要與翻譯 → 儲存 → 在發文時快速取得重點資訊」的流程自動化或半自動化,讓我在想要發佈 Twitter (X) 貼文時,能有即時且經過整理過的資訊可供參考。 整體流程概述 目標流程:RSS → Apify → OpenAI → Airtable → Chrome Extension → 快速分享 * 取得 RSS 新聞來源:定期自動抓取最新文章列表。 * 解析並擷取內文(Apify):從原始頁面擷取重點文字段落。 * 整理與生成摘要(OpenAI):運用 AI 將冗長文章化為精簡摘要。 * 儲存到 Airtable:將標題、連結、摘要等資訊結構化存放,方便後續查詢。 * Chrome

最常見的 Git 工作流程 - GitHub Flow

一種簡單的工作流程,適用於快速開發和持續部署的小型專案。 流程 1. 始終從 Main 分支創建功能分支:bashCopy codegit checkout main git checkout -b feature/my-feature 2. 在功能分支中開發,並隨時提交: git add . git commit -m "Implement feature" 3. 開發完成後推送到遠端 git push origin feature/my-feature 4. 發起 Pull Request 並進行代碼審查: * 在 GitHub 上創建 Pull Request。 * 通過代碼審查(Code Review)。 5. 審核完成後合併到

測試驅動開發 (TDD) 與單元測試、整合測試的概念簡述

在現代軟體開發中,測試已成為不可或缺的一部分。不僅能幫助開發者捕捉錯誤,還能促進代碼的模組化和可維護性。本文將深入探討單元測試、整合測試的區別,以及測試驅動開發 (TDD) 的核心流程和實踐技巧,幫助你快速掌握測試的精髓。 也許 AI 程式碼生成工具,最能快速優化寫測試的開發時間。多少來學習一點測試相關的知識。 * 理解單元測試 (Unit Test) 和整合測試 (Integration Test) 的區別。 * 熟悉測試驅動開發 (TDD) 的概念。 單元測試 vs 整合測試 * 單元測試: * 適合測試邏輯簡單且內部不依賴外部資源的功能,例如算法、數據處理函式等。 * 主要用於開發階段,快速檢查某段程式碼的邏輯。 * 整合測試: * 適合測試業務邏輯需要依賴外部模組(例如資料庫、第三方 API)時的交互行為。 * 用於確認系統內部的協作是否無誤,通常在測試環境下執行。 特徵單元測試 (Unit Test)整合測試 (Integration Test)測試範圍單個模組或函式多個模組或系統的整合依賴性獨立,不依賴其他模組或外部資源需要依

PM 加速開發:ChatGPT 到 Cursor 再到 Windsurf 的體驗比較

我是技術背景出身的產品經理,十年前曾是一名寫 Objective-C 的 iOS 工程師。近年來,我利用零碎時間,結合 AI 工具,進行產品發想與概念驗證,並打造一些功能型網站。自 2024 年 6 月起,我的體驗大致可分為三個階段,以下是我的學習與心得分享。 第一階段:ChatGPT 助力,但流程繁瑣 最早是用 ChatGPT 協助產 Code,我一筆一筆貼到我的程式碼下。我要詢問怎麼改動的話,也要將程式碼貼回 ChatGPT,在大量的複製貼上等待的過程,非常慢跟耗時,瀏覽器也會隨著大量的文檔開始變慢。這時候,我從不會到能做出一個聊天機器人網頁,大概花一個禮拜。我也是在這個階段學會了如何用 Vercel 快速部署架站,還有基本的 Git 指令。遇到一點問題常常會卡關很久,要邊做邊學。 第二階段:Claude 加速開發流程 Claude